Look here for the home tutoring process

How tutoring works

Say ‘Hi!’ through any of our platforms. kelly will be on the end of the phone / laptop answering all of your questions within 24 hours; there are no robots here just real people!

kelly will allocate the most suited tutor to your child’s needs and organise a complementary initial meet-up

your allocated tutor shall come to you and have an informal chat about what you are looking for, what your goals are and what is on your mind with regards to your child’s education and wellbeing.
At this point you have the opportunity to discuss everything and make a plan to move forward. There is no escaping some boring admin; at this point you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire and sign a contract

Yours and your child’s relationship with your tutor starts to blossom from here and a first session will be arranged

You will be contacted separately to organise payments and invoices for sessions, enabling you to opt for a discounted block of sessions or a pay-as-you-go schedule

From this point, welcome to Live to Learn Tutoring. Please watch as your child starts to flourish!
