We are all unique

Expert Learning Needs Assessments

Expertise and Experience

There is no one-size-fits-all

Every child and adult is unique; thus requires a different approach to learning that can be fine-tuned. 

At times we find ourselves hitting a barrier to learning, which can cause frustration and low self-esteem; in order to address learning  barriers we offer various assessments at Live to Learn Education, which can be used to support young people, parents, schools and the Local Authority:

There is no one-size-fits-all

Package name


Dyslexia and Literacy Profile Assessment (DPORT)


Detailed Speed of Handwriting Assessment (DASH)


Dyscalculia Screening (GL Assessment)


Visual Stress Preliminary Assessment (Crossbow Education)


Phonics and Phonological Awareness Assessment


Access Arrangements Assessment (PATOSS Registered)


Educational Psychologist Referrals


Occupational Therapist Referrals


SALT Referrals


We also offer a combination package of DPORT, DASH, Dyscalculia, Visual Stress and Phonics assessment for £320.

**Please note that these assessments do not offer a formal diagnosis of dyslexia or dyscalculia**